Posted at the age of 20
6th ReinforcementsAwarded 17 days confinement to barracks and forfeited 1 day pay for overstaying leave
British Offensive
Battle of ArrasThe Company was employed to rebuild a major road leading to the Front during the battle
Awarded 14 days confinement to barracks, forfeited 3 days pay and fined 6 days pay for overstaying leave
The Company moved to Monchy, ten kilometres east of Arras, to work on the fortification of the new front line
Awarded 7 days confinement to barracks and forfeited 1 day pay for overstaying leave
Narrow Neck, AucklandAwarded 7 days confinement to barracks and forfeited 1 day pay for absence without leave
Awarded 12 days detention and forfeited 24 days pay by Royal Warrant for absence without leave and being improperly dressed
Transfer to England
HMNZT 90 UlimaroaMarched in to NZ Depot, Christchurch
Awarded 10 days detention and forfeited 7 days pay by Royal Warrant for drunkenness and refusing to leave an hotel when ordered to do so
Embarked for France
Marched in to NZ Base Depot, Etaples
Joined the Company
The Company was still carrying out the digging of underground premises and defences on the Front near Arras
German Attacks
Spring OffensiveThe Company was engaged in the defence of Arras by digging new trenches and dug-outs under constant enemy shellfire
Detached to NZ Base Depot, Etaples, for medical board
Rejoined the Company
Classified unfit for service in the field
Embarked for England
Marched in to NZ Depot, Torquay
Classified unfit for active service
Awarded 7 days confinement to barracks and forfeited 1 day pay by Royal Warrant for absence without leave
Awarded 10 days detention for absence without leave, breaking out of camp and making a false statement to the Military Police
Transfer to New Zealand
Troopship PaparoaEnd of Service
DemobilizationAnthony Byledbal, “World War I Timeline of Thomas Phelan“, New Zealand Tunnellers Website, NaN (2009), Accessed: . URL: www.